Powerful new features,
improved workflows,
flexible pricing, and more

We’re upgrading MYOB Essentials.
Here’s what you need to know.

Powerful new features,
improved workflows,
extensive reporting, and more

We’re upgrading MYOB Essentials.
Here’s what you need to know.

Frequently asked questions

Why am I getting upgraded?

We’re upgrading Essentials to a new platform, giving you access to new features and more frequent updates, improved workflows and a cleaner, mobile-responsive experience.

When will I know I'm being upgraded?

We’ll let you know in the days leading up to the upgrade. Watch your inbox for emails and for messages on your Essentials dashboard.

What do I need to do before the upgrade?

There are some tasks you’ll need to complete to prepare your file for the upgrade. We recommend you read through these pre-upgrade tasks, to ensure your business is ready.

What are the key changes?

The new Essentials gets the job done and more. Now with improved features, a new look and reorganised menus, and easier workflows. To find out more, see the key changes to your file and visit the help pages below to see what’s new.

For a guided walkthrough on all of these changes and more visit MYOB Academy.

How do I access my upgraded business?

You can access it through app.myob.com. Remember to update your bookmark.

How can I see all my businesses, upgraded or not?

Access your full list of businesses through app.myob.com.

My business has just been upgraded, what next?
Upgrades trouble shooting