What's new in
Field Services

Discover enhancements coming in the Spring Release


Reverse Service invoice
This streamlines the reversal of sales invoices from service documents with a single click.

Feature summary

  • Automatic credit memo creation: Automatically generates a credit memo with original invoice details to ensure accuracy.
  • Error reduction: Minimises errors by automating the process and pre-filling the credit memo with the invoice details.
  • Enhanced workflow: Allows seamless cancellation of the original sales invoice and re-billing of the associated service order or appointment.
  • Consistency and reliability: Ensures all invoice lines are included in the credit memo, making the reversal process more reliable.


Optimised Retrieval of a Billing Cycle

Increased efficiency, flexibility, and accuracy in managing billing cycles.

Feature summary

  • Flexibility: Adapts to various billing settings, allowing users to manage multiple billing options based on service order type or customer preferences.
  • Consistency and reliability: Ensures billing cycles are consistently applied across all service orders and appointments, improving billing process reliability.
  • Enhanced system performance: Streamlines processes by reducing system load through simplified billing cycle determination.

Release notes

View the release notes and see specific information about updates to the People capability.

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